Lilliehöök, Inger
- Department of Animal Biosciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Conference abstract2006
Lilliehöök, Inger; Tvedten, Harold
The Sysmex XT-2000iV Hematology System is a modification of the human XT-2000 and is a "complete hematology" system designed for large and referral veterinary laboratory use. It would be an alternative to the Advia 120. The instrument has software for dog, cat, horse and laboratory animals. The methods include sheath flow DC detection method in RBC and PLT counting and fluorescent flow cytometery method with semiconductor laser in reticulocytes, platelets and WBC counting (total WBC and 5 part differential WBC counting). The instrument uses 40 ul in capillary mode, 85 ul in manual mode and 150 ul in automated sampler mode. Time for analysis is around one minute per sample in manual mode. In the current study we evaluated paired testing of fresh blood samples from diseased animals with Sysmex XT-2000iV hematology system and Cell Dyn 3500 from 133 dogs, 73 horses and 65 cats. Correlation between the instruments’ results were between 0.97-1.00 for Hb, PCV, RBC, WBC and 0.90-0.98 for MCV for all three species. For platelet counts the correlation was 0.99 for dogs and 0.93 for horses. Differential classification of leukocytes was excellent for equine leukocyte differential counting. Correlation was between 0.94-1.00 for neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. In cats the neutrophil and lymphocyte population clusters were very near each other and overlap often caused inability to count those cells. About 20% of the feline samples and 13% of canine samples had only partial or no differential counts reported by the Sysmex. Not reporting of differential leukocyte counts was especially common with samples with left shift. The correlation for differential cell counts for neutrophils was 0.94/0.95 (cats/dogs), for lymphocytes 0.66/0.39, for monocytes 0.34/0.92 and eosinophils 1.00/0.96. By deleting some samples with obvious errors in the separation of the leukocytes in the graphic results from Sysmex or Cell-Dyn, the correlation for all leukocytes (except basophils) improved to > 0.86. Neither Sysmex or Cell-Dyn seemed to identify basophils in dogs and cats with a basophilia detected manually. One may reanalyze samples with manual gating of various cell populations. This allows selective counting of cells as one interprets cell populations manually. In conclusion the Sysmex XT-2000iV hematology system performance was good for hematologic valuation of blood samples from horses, cats and dogs. The main exception was some problems with the differential count mainly in some feline samples and with immature neutrophils
Veterinary Science
Animal and Dairy Science