Eriksson, Ola
- Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Conference paper2011Peer reviewed
Forsell, Nicklas; Eriksson, Ljusk-Ola; Assoumou, Edi
In the context of mitigating climate change and increasing energy security, the use of bio-energy production is expected to play a major role. However, an increased use of woody biomass sources for bio-energy production has in Sweden induced pressure on the woody biomass sources available and influenced forestry management. In this paper we analyze the competition of biomass sources and changes in management of woody resources induced by the joint expansion of the bioenergy sector and forest industries. Results show that increased demand of biomass sources may induce a short-term increase of forest harvesting. However, in the long-term, adequate biomass sources was found to be available to fulfill the joint demand of biomass sources for the production of bioenergy and woody products.
Bioenergy; Biomass; Energy Systems; Forest Industry
Title: IMETI 2011: 4th international multi-conference on engineering and technological innovation, vol II
4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation Location
Energy Systems
Forest Science