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Conference abstract2011

Attitudes to food production systems and food products

Sandin, Per; Bergeå, Hanna; Blokhuis, Harry; Ekelund, Lena; Hansen, Kjell; Hansson, Helena; Nordström Källström, Helena; Rydhmer, Lotta; Röös, Elin; Sundh, Ingvar; Ulén, Barbro

Published in

NJF Report
2011, Volume: 7, number: 3, pages: 260-260 Title: Book of Abstracts of the 24th NJF Congress Food, Feed, Fuel and Fun, Nordic Light on Future Land Use and Rural Development : Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14–16, 2011 : and of the 2nd Nordic Feed Science Conference : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala, Sweden, June 15–16, 2011

Publisher: Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists


24th NJF congress and 2nd NFS Conference, Uppsala