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SLU publication database (SLUpub)

Faculty of Forest Sciences (S)


11801-11850 out of 14517 results


Conference abstract2008

New systematics and generic circumscription of parmelioid lichens inferred from multigene analysis provided by PARSYS-08

Divakar PK, Crespo A, Kauff F, Del Prado R, Perez-Ortega S, Amo De Paz G, Ferencova Z, Blanco O, Arguello A, Millanes A, Molina MC, Normore MP, Wedin M, Aptroot A, Bungartz F, Calvelo S, Candan M, Cole M, Elix JA, Ertz D, Goffinet B, Knight A, Lendemer J, Lindblom L, Lücking R, Lutzoni F, Mattsson J-E, Messuti MI, Perlmutter G, Rico VJ, Spribille T, Steffen UP, Sweat K, Thell A, Thor Göran, Urbanavichus G, Lumbsch T.

Book chapter2008


Heberlein, Thomas; Stedman, R C.