Larson, Niklas
- Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Report2017Open access
Larson, Niklas
International hydroacoustic surveys have been conducted in the Baltic Sea since 1978. The starting point was the cooperation between the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Lysekil, Sweden and the Institute für Hochseefisherei und Fishverarbeitung in Rostock, German Democratic Republic in October 1978, which produced the first acoustic estimates of total biomass of herring and sprat in the Baltic Main basin (H˚akansson et al., 1979). Since then there has been at least one annual hydroacoustic survey for herring and sprat stocks and results have been reported to ICES. The Baltic International Acoustic Survey (BIAS), is mandatory for the countries that have exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the Baltic Sea, and is a part of the Data Collection Framework as stipulated by the European Council and the Commission (Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 and the Commission DCF web page1 ). IMR in Lysekil is part of the Department of Aquatic Resources within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and is responsible for the Swedish part of the EU Data Collection Framework and surveys in the marine environment. The Institute assesses the status of the marine ecosystems, develops and provides biological advices for managers for the sustainable use of aquatic resources. The BIAS survey is co-ordinated and managed by the ICES working group WGBIFS. The main objective of BIAS is to assess herring and sprat resources in the Baltic Sea. The survey will provide data to the ICES Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS).
Aqua reports
2017, number: 2017:12
Publisher: Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Coastal and sea areas