Sjölund, Amanda
- Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Sjölund, Amanda; Bartek, Louise, Eriksson, Mattias; et al.
This is the first deliverable of WP3 in the LOWINFOOD project (D3.1). The deliverable presents the process plan and the applied methodology behind the stakeholder dialogues held with actors in the bread supply chains in Finland, Italy and Sweden, conducted as part of task 3.2. The objective of these stakeholder dialogues is to produce a shared roadmap for the prevention of bread loss and waste, which will be submitted as a deliverable in October 2022 (D3.2). A background to some fundamental differences in the bread supply chains between the countries is provided before the description of the country-specific approaches to the task. The country-specific descriptions address the recruitment process of participants, in what format the dialogues are held, challenges that were encountered along the process as well as planned outlines for further activities.
Publisher: LOWINFOOD
Business Administration
Environmental Management