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Predator-Prey Covariance with predator aggregative responses

Yu, Jun; Englund, Göran


The spatial covariance between prey and predator densities is closely related to the rate of encounters, and thus to predation rates. To include the effect of covariance in dynamic predator–prey models it is useful to express the spatial covariance as a function of predator and prey densities. Here we derive mean–covariance relationships for a scenario where predators show an aggregative response, i.e., they respond behaviorally by aggregating in patches with high prey densities. Prey, on the other hand, do not respond to predator densities. Some explicit expressions are obtained when the prey distribution is clumped or random. It is shown that the prey-predator covariance can be expressed only through the distributional information of prey. In particular when the prey distribution is clumped or random, this covariance depends only on the mean prey density


Predator-prey interaction; covariance; aggregative response; negative binomial distribution; Poisson distribution

Published in

Research report (Centre of Biostochastics)
2010, number: 2010: 03, pages: 1-15
Publisher: Centre of Biostochastics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation

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