Mattsson, Lennart
- Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Report2010Open access
Mattsson, Lennart
In an eight-year investigation lime-products were compared. Field experiments were started on 16 sites distributed from north to south in Sweden. Product property hardness depending on geological origin of the raw material was compared in two groups, soft and hard. Also particle size and particle size distribution in the products were studied. Two classes were used, fine graded (<1 mm) and coarse graded (<3 mm) material, respectively. Ordinary commercial products were used. The experimental plan was designed to give treatments with a predetermined base saturation (BS). The obtained BS values were compared in the groups hard/soft and fine/coarse, respectively. Treatments showing effects of dosage of lime over time were also included. Tested factors i.e. hard/soft and fine/coarse increased BS clearly and decisively. Soft products resulted in higher BS than hard products and fine graded products increased BS more than coarse graded ones. Similar results were observed for pH-values as well. Reactive soluble Al determined with ammonium-sulphate ex-traction correlated well with the lime applications. Liming lowered these Al-values. The effect on BS was the highest the 2nd year after lime application. Later the effect declined. Eight years after lime application treatments with consecutive minor rates the first 4 years were superior concerning BS to treatments with full rate the first year and then nothing. On average for the last 4 years over the 8-year period the split application treatment resulted in higher BS than the single rate treatment. A five to seven percent yield increase in cereals in limed treatments was ob-served. The higher figure was valid for spring cereals. The yield increase was measured as a mean for the first 4 years. Averaged over the last 4 years of the 8-year period there were no yield increases measured
Kalk; Kalkning; Basmättnadsgrad; pH-värde; Kalkvärde
Rapport (Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för mark och miljö)
2010, number: 5
Publisher: Institutionen för mark och miljö, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Agricultural Science