Nightingale, Andrea
- Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Book chapter2019Peer reviewed
Ojha, Hemant Raj; Ghate, Rucha; Dorji, Lam; Shrestha, Ankita; Paudel, Dinesh; Nightingale, Andrea; Shrestha, Krishna; Watto, Muhammad Arif; Kotru, Rajan; He, Jun; Naing, Aung Kyaw; Wangmo, Tashi; Narain, Vishal; Barua, Anamika; Shahbaz, Babar; Regmi, Bimal; Khan, Niaz Ahmed; Chapagain, Binod; Wester, Philippus
Title: The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment : Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People
Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland
Globalization Studies
Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
Climate Science