Mellqvist, Helena
- Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Doctoral thesis2017Open access
Mellqvist, Helena
This thesis presents and asseses a method for participation in landscape planning and management. The method has a long-term perspective, while focusing on the interests of local stakeholders. Public participation has been recognized as a fundamental part of landscape planning and management. Through for example the European Landscape Convention’s (ELC) inclusive definition of “landscape”, landscape got a more democratic connotation where focus is put on people’s perception of a landscape. This shift calls for more collaborative working methods requiring more and somewhat different skills from the professional planner than a traditional top-down system does. The research presented in this thesis is context-bound, and based on action-oriented working methods and approaches where citizens, planners and managers are involved in parallel. Academia, represented by researchers and students, is proposed to supplement and assist municipal authorities and the local society in collaborative planning. Methods and approaches related to awareness raising, embodied knowledge, strengthening people’s relationship to their everyday landscape and identifying ways of letting local experts’ voices be heard in the municipal planning process, have guided the research. All the cases presented, describe planning processes in peri-urban landscapes, at different scales with strong connection to nature reserves, changed patterns of land use, and with varying amounts of stakeholders directly related to the landscapes in question. Three cases were selected to discover, design and investigate potentials with the “connoisseur methods”, and three cases were selected to test and refine the method, anchored in current municipal planning and resulting in actual plans. In this thesis ’The connoisseur method‘ is proposed as a way to achieve better collaborative planning. It invites a new type of expert to influence landscape development: the connoisseur is an expert in experiencing the landscape from her particular perspective, and represents the local society. The method proposed is a mix of different participatory methods used for landscape analysis as a way for the professional planner/manager to understand how the local community understands and uses different landscape features. The results of the different cases show how the process is of vital importance. A successful collaboration process is a valuable tool for learning, both locally among the connoisseurs and amongst the municipal planners and managers.
long term landscape planning, collaborative planning, participatory landscape actions, connoisseurs, connoisseur-method, learning processes, empowerment, sustainable landscape planning, awareness raising, embodied knowledge, shared learning, trust, local knowledge
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae
2017, number: 2017:55
Publisher: Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Landscape Architecture