Berlin, Anna
- Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Conference poster2012
Berlin, Anna; Kyiashchenko, Iuliia; Djurle, Annika; Samils, Berit; Yuen, Jonathan; Samils, Berit
The barberry eradication law in Sweden was repealed in 1994, and incidence of barberry ( Berberis spp.) has increased as a consequence. To investigate the importance of barberry in survival and reproduction of cereal rust pathogens, aecia were collected during 2008-2010. Uredinia of P. graminis were collected from oats ( Avena sativa ) and rye ( Secale cereale ). The samples were analyzed using 11 polymorphic SSR markers. In addition, ITS (Internal transcript spacer region) and EF-1 α (Elongation factor-1 α ) were sequenced in samples collected from barberry, and the identit ies of the species were determined by comparing the sequences to BLAST databases. Cross-section al morpholog ies of a selection of samples of aecia and aeciospores were also examined. SSR marker results revealed large differences between the fungal populations on oats ( P. graminis f. sp. avenae ) and rye ( P. graminis f. sp. secalis ), and genetic variation within the different formae speciales was also high. It was possible to distinguish between the two formae speciales on barberry by SSR markers, ITS sequences and morphological characteristics. Additional genotypic groups of P. graminis not present in samples from either oats or rye were identified on barberry with the SSR markers. Our results confirm the importance of barberry for survival and maintenance of P. graminis populations in Sweden. A not yet identified species showing similar sequences to P. striiformis and P. poa-nemoralis was found on barberry.
Title: Proceedings Borlaug Global Rust Initiative 2012 Technical Workshop
Publisher: Borlaug Global Rust Initiative
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative 2012 Technical Workshop
Agricultural Science