Gibb, Heloise
- Department of Animal Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Research article2006Peer reviewed
Gibb H, Hjalten J, Ball JP, Pettersson RB, Landin J, Alvini O, Danell K
Traits such as poor dispersal ability and high habitat specificity are thought to predispose some species to a greater risk of extinction than others. Habitat preferences and morphological features associated with dispersal ability were compared between red-listed species and common congenerics co-occurring in boreal forests in northern Sweden. Measurements of body size, wing loading and wing aspect ratio were used to compare dispersal abilities, while catches from experimental treatments of dead wood were used to compare habitat preferences. We also compared how restricted red-listed species were to particular sites or habitats relative to common species. The red-listed Epuraea longipennis was longer and wider, while Epuraea. deubeli weighed less than common Epuraea species. In contrast to expectations, these red-listed species had a larger wing area (relative to their body mass) and thus a lower wing-loading than congeneric species, suggesting superior dispersal abilities. The red-listed Tachinus elegans possessed intermediate morphological characteristics, compared with common congenerics. However, the relationships between the P risk of extinction in fragmented habitats and size and dispersal ability are likely to be scale-dependent, so intermediate or superior dispersal abilities may increase extinction risk at some scales. Red-listed species were not found in fewer sites or habitat types than congenerics so were not more likely to be habitat specialists. However, some red-listed species preferred deeply shaded and Fomitopsis pinicola-inoculated logs, relative to congenerics, suggesting that specificity to these particular microhabitats may be connected with extinction risk. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Biological Conservation
2006, volume: 132, number: 2, pages: 250-260
Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation