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Research article2008Peer reviewed

Selection in Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. and Sonchus arvensis L.: Susceptibility to MCPA on different types of farmland in Sweden

Fogelfors, Hakan; Lundkvist, Anneli


During the past century, changes in cropping systems have led to selective pressure on weed flora. The number of competitive species with decreased susceptibility to herbicides has increased, at the cost of more susceptible species. For a long period, the economically important perennial weed species Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. and Sonchus arvensis L. have mainly been controlled by the herbicide MCPA (phenoxy-acetic acid), which stimulates the weed plant to abnormal growth. However, it has been reported from Sweden, Great Britain, Hungary and North America that C. arvense has become less susceptible to MCPA since the 1950s. Therefore, two greenhouse experiments were performed at Uppsala, Sweden with clones of C. arvense and S. arvensis. The purpose was to study whether ecotypes (clones) from high input farmland, where herbicides had been used intensively and regularly for a long time, were less susceptible to herbicide (MCPA) treatment than ecotypes from low input farmland. Sixty clones of C. arvense and 36 clones of S. arvensis were treated with nine different doses of MCPA. The results supported the suggestion that a shift towards less MCPA-susceptible ecotypes of C. arvense had occurred on high input farmland. Clone material from such farmland had, on average, significantly higher dry matter content after herbicide treatment than ecotypes from low input farmland. Similar decrease in susceptibility was not detected for S. arvensis. This was probably due to S. arvensis generally being less susceptible to MCPA than C. arvense. Sonchus arvensis has therefore being exposed to a lower selection pressure than C. arvense.


Canada thistle; clone; ecotype; herbicide susceptibility; high and low input farmland; perennial sowthistle; perennial weeds

Published in

Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil and Plant Science
2008, volume: 58, number: 1, pages: 82-87

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Agricultural Science

Publication identifier

  • DOI:

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