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Research article2012Peer reviewed

Horse riding posing challenges to the Swedish Right of Public Access

Elgåker, Hanna; Pinzke, Stefan; Nilsson, Christer; Lindholm, Gunilla


Increasing numbers of horses are being kept for sports and leisure purposes in peri-urban areas throughout the Western world. This expansion of the equestrian sector represents a multifunctional transition, with new production of rural goods and services and increasing influence on land use. In Sweden, the number of horses has increased from 70,000 to approximately 300,000 over the last 30 years. This increase is putting pressure on the traditional Right of Public Access, an old custom allowing the public to walk, cycle or ride on private or state-owned property. This paper analyses multifunctional land use in peri-urban areas in order to provide a deeper understanding of the potential conflicts arising due to the expanding equine sector and to assess how these can affect the Swedish right of public access and spatial planning. A survey of horse riders and landowners in three peri-urban regions of Sweden revealed that these groups differ in their attitudes towards the Right of Public Access. The data also showed that the expanding equine sector is generating new demands on rural areas and there are questions regarding how the current system of open accessibility can meet the increasing market for equestrian leisure activities. The main conclusion is that there seems to be a strong need for intervention and deliberate creation of new ways of handling the accessibility question, where both a bottom-up and top-down approach may be useful


Horse riding; Land use; Accessibility: Right of public access; Conflict; Spatial planning

Published in

Land Use Policy
2012, volume: 29, number: 2, pages: 274-293

SLU Authors

Global goals (SDG)

SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities

UKÄ Subject classification

Agricultural Science
Landscape Architecture
Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation

Publication identifier

  • DOI:

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