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Forskningsartikel2011Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Straight-nosed pipefish Nerophis ophidion and broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle avoid eelgrass overgrown with filamentous algae

Sundin, J.; Jacobsson, O.; Berglund, A.; Rosenqvist, G.


In a habitat choice experiment straight-nosed pipefish Nerophis ophidion and broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle avoided eelgrass Zostera marina covered with filamentous algae. Both juveniles as well as brooding adult males of the two species clearly preferred to position themselves in Z. marina without growth of filamentous algae. (C) 2011 The Authors Journal of Fish Biology (C) 2011 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles


Baltic Sea; eutrophication; habitat choice; pipefishes; Zostera marina

Publicerad i

Journal of Fish Biology
2011, volym: 78, nummer: 6, sidor: 1855-1860

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Fisk- och akvakulturforskning

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