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Forskningsartikel2020Vetenskapligt granskad

Energy smart hot-air pasteurisation as effective as energy intense autoclaving for fungal preprocessing of lignocellulose feedstock for bioethanol fuel production

Wei, Maogui; Xiong, Shaojun; Chen, Feng; Geladi, Paul; Eilertsen, Lill; Myronycheva, Olena; Lestander, Torbjorn A.; Thyrel, Mikael


This study compared the effects of hot-air pasteurisation (HAP) at 75-100 degrees C versus autoclaving at 121 degrees C and 2 bar overpressure on the lignocellulosic degradation process of birch-based substrates that were used for shiitake mushroom cultivation and potential bioethanol production. Fifty substrate samples were obtained as a time series from different stages of the cultivation, and their chemical contents were measured by chemical analysis and near infra-red spectroscopy (NIR). Despite of different energy intensities, HAP and autoclaving did not result in significant differences in the degradation of lignin and carbohydrates. Major compositional changes were associated with the cultivation process. Principal component analysis on the wet chemical data and orthogonal projections to latent structures based on NIR spectra reached the same conclusion, namely that HAP had similar effect as autoclaving on compositional changes in the substrate during cultivation. The results of this study suggest that a substitution of autoclaving by HAP may potentially save up to 9.9 TWh energy for the global production of 7.5 million ton shiitake. At the same time, lignocellulose feedstock can be pretreated for the production of up to 3.24 million m(3) of 95%-ethanol fuels, which can potentially substitute proximate 1.88 million m(3) of regular gasoline. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Edible mushroom; Substrate composition; Lignin; Carbohydrate; Biological pretreatment; Food and fuel

Publicerad i

Renewable Energy
2020, volym: 155, sidor: 237-247

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne

Förnyelsebar bioenergi

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