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Forskningsartikel2002Vetenskapligt granskad

Mechanisms of interaction between Kalmia angustifolia cover and Picea mariana seedlings

Wallstedt, A; Coughlan, A; Munson, AD; Nilsson, MC; Margolis, HA


Sites dominated by Kalmia angustifolia L. are often associated with slow decomposition of organic matter, decreased nitrogen (N) mineralization rates, and low black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) productivity. The objective of this study was to separate the effects of belowground competition by Kalmia from the effects of water-soluble soil phenols on black spruce seedlings growing under different levels of Kalmia cover. A factorial greenhouse bioassay was established in which black spruce seedlings were grown for 6 months in intact blocks of soil with three different levels of Kalmia cover. The soil was treated with charcoal to reduce the amounts of water-soluble phenols, and (or) tubes were inserted to exclude Kalmia roots. At low Kalmia cover, reducing the level of belowground competition increased seedling biomass by 134%. However, reducing belowground competition did not increase seedling biomass at the two higher levels of Kalmia cover. It is possible that seedling biomass remained low because of an increased immobilization of N in the organic layer. Furthermore, the proportion of ectomycorrhiza morphotypes differed among seedlings growing under different levels of Kalmia cover. The effect of water-soluble phenols on seedling growth remains uncertain, since we observed a confounding effect of the charcoal treatment on soil microbial biomass and seedling response.

Publicerad i

Canadian Journal of Forest Research
2002, volym: 32, nummer: 11, sidor: 2022-2031

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UKÄ forskningsämne


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