Fölster, Jens
- Institutionen för vatten och miljö, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Velle, Gaute; Bodin, Christian Lucien; Arle, Jens; Austnes, Kari; Boggero, Angela; Bojkova, Jindriska; Fornaroli, Riccardo; Fölster, Jens; Goedkoop, Willem; Jones, J. Iwan; Juggins, Steve; Lau, Danny C P; Monteith, Donald T.; Murphy, John F.; Musazzi, Simona; Shilland, Ewan; Steingruber, Sandra; Wiklund, Magda-Lena; de Wit, Heleen
The report provides an assessment of biological recovery from acidification in freshwater environments in Europe. The report consists of two parts, a regional data analysis based on an international dataset of biological and water chemical records, and a collection of national contributions on monitoring and assessment of biological recovery in different countries. The regional analysis showed that 47% of all included rivers (21 sites, for the period 1994-2018) and 35% percent of all lakes (34 sites, for the period 2000 to 2018) showed significant increases in species richness. Correlations between species diversity and water chemical components (ANC, pH, SO4) were found, supporting that the biological responses were related to chemical recovery. Additionally, the composition of functional traits in rivers underwent significant changes over time. Both parts of the report demonstrate ongoing biological recovery from acidification in European acid-sensitive freshwater environments.
ICP Waters Report
2023, nummer: 153
Utgivare: Norwegian Institute for Water Research
SDG6 Rent vatten och sanitet för alla
SDG14 Hav och marina resurser