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Wood resource dynamics in the Scandinavian forestry sector

Lönnstedt, Lars; Randers, Jørgen


The Scandinavian forestry sector is facing a major challenge. After a century of rapid growth - both in forestry and the forest products industry - the sector is approaching a situation where rapid growth will no longer be possible simply because most of the annual forest growth is already being utilized. One may choose to let the forces of the free market shape the transition from rapid growth to moderate growth. Or one may choose to pursue policies that are intended to improve the transition in one way or another. Wood Resource Dynamics (i.e. this volume) describes the historical background for the current situation, both concerning the supply of and demand for wood and concerning existing legislation and management practises. The volume further describes the problems caused by slow growth in the forestry sector, and a discussion of the various policies that can be conceived to soften these problems. A system dynamics simulation model was developed to elucidate the likely future effects of the various policies. The volume proceeds to illustrate how this computer simulation model of the Scandinavian forestry sector can be used in discussions of long term policy for the forestry sector. The general applicability of the simulation model is being demonstrated by adapting the model to the case of Finland. Finally, Wood Resource Dynamics gives a short introduction to the system dynamics method for model building by presenting two applications to concrete, short term problerns in the forestry sector - pulp inventory control and forest stand management.


Wood resource dynamics; forestry sector; simulation model; Scandinavia

Publicerad i

Studia Forestalia Suecica
Utgivare: College of Forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Publikationens identifierare

  • ISBN: 91-38-05213-X

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