Roslin, Tomas
- Institutionen för ekologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
- Helsingin yliopisto
Forskningsartikel2024Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång
Manca, Federica; Benedetti-Cecchi, Lisandro; Bradshaw, Corey J. A.; Cabeza, Mar; Gustafsson, Camilla; Norkko, Alf M.; Roslin, Tomas V.; Thomas, David N.; White, Lydia; Strona, Giovanni
Although many studies predict extensive future biodiversity loss and redistribution in the terrestrial realm, future changes in marine biodiversity remain relatively unexplored. In this work, we model global shifts in one of the most important marine functional groups-ecosystem-structuring macrophytes-and predict substantial end-of-century change. By modelling the future distribution of 207 brown macroalgae and seagrass species at high temporal and spatial resolution under different climate-change projections, we estimate that by 2100, local macrophyte diversity will decline by 3-4% on average, with 17 to 22% of localities losing at least 10% of their macrophyte species. The current range of macrophytes will be eroded by 5-6%, and highly suitable macrophyte habitat will be substantially reduced globally (78-96%). Global macrophyte habitat will shift among marine regions, with a high potential for expansion in polar regions.Habitat-forming marine macrophytes (brown macroalgae and seagrasses) provide important ecological and socio-economic services but are threatened by climate change. In this study, models of their future distribution under different climate change projections forecast a substantial redistribution of these groups globally, with loss of diversity and habitat.
Nature Communications
2024, volym: 15, nummer: 1, artikelnummer: 5344
SDG13 Bekämpa klimatförändringarna
SDG14 Hav och marina resurser