Valentinsson, Daniel
- Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Rapport2025Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång
Lucchetti, A.; Konrad, C.; Pierucci, A.; et al.
Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, C(2016) 1084, OJ C 74, 26.2.2016, p. 4–10. The Commission may consult the group on any matter relating to marine and fisheries biology, fishing gear technology, fisheries economics, fisheries governance, ecosystem effects of fisheries, aquaculture or similar disciplines. This report contains a review of Joint Recommendations submitted by Member States Regional Groups for the implementation of the Landing Obligation in 2024 and beyond.
Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries
2025, nummer: JRC14058
Utgivare: Publications Office of the European Union
Fisk- och akvakulturforskning
Vilt- och fiskeförvaltning