Rödl, Malte
- Institutionen för stad och land, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Övrig publikation2024
Söderström, Kristofer Rolf; Haider, Jutta; Ekström, Björn; Rödl, Malte
This dataset contains publications collected from Google Scholar with the following queries: 1. "as of my last knowledge update" 2. "I don't have access to real-time data" 3. "as of my last knowledge update" AND "I don't have access to real-time data" It contains the following: variable, description id, ID title, Title of paper author, Author(s) of paper pub_year, Year of publication venue, Venue of publication abstract, Abstract snippet or sample text with exact string match - if found pub_url, URL for publication query, Query that matches publication chatgpt_method, Declared justified or otherwise explainable in-text mention or use of GPT/ChatGPT Example Text, Sample text with exact string match - if found
Utgivare: Harvard Dataverse
Biblioteks-och informationsvetenskap