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Forskningsartikel2025Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Detection and Phylogenetic Characterization of Influenza D in Swedish Cattle

Alvarez, Ignacio; Banihashem, Fereshteh; Persson, Annie; Hurri, Emma; Kim, Hyeyoung; Ducatez, Mariette; Geijer, Erika; Valarcher, Jean-Francois; Hagglund, Sara; Zohari, Siamak


Increased evidence suggests that cattle are the primary host of Influenza D virus (IDV) and may contribute to respiratory disease in this species. The aim of this study was to detect and characterise IDV in the Swedish cattle population using archived respiratory samples. This retrospective study comprised a collection of a total 1763 samples collected between 1 January 2021 and 30 June 2024. The samples were screened for IDV and other respiratory pathogens using real-time reverse transcription quantitative PCR (rRT-qPCR). Fifty-one IDV-positive samples were identified, with a mean cycle threshold (Ct) value of 27 (range: 15-37). Individual samples with a Ct value of <30 for IDV RNA were further analysed by deep sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis was performed by the maximum likelihood estimation method on the whole IDV genome sequence from 16 samples. The IDV strains collected in 2021 (n = 7) belonged to the D/OK clade, whereas samples from 2023 (n = 4) and 2024 (n = 5) consisted of reassortants between the D/OK and D/660 clades, for the PB2 gene. This study reports the first detection of IDV in Swedish cattle and the circulation of D/OK and reassortant D/OK-D/660 in this population.


influenza D virus; cattle; bovine; PCR; Sweden; co-infection; phylogeny; sequencing; reassortment

Publicerad i

2025, volym: 17, nummer: 1, artikelnummer: 17
Utgivare: MDPI

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Klinisk vetenskap

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