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Forskningsartikel2024Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

20 years of bibliometric data illustrates a lack of concordance between journal impact factor and fungal species discovery in systematic mycology

Nilsson, R. Henrik; Jansson, Arnold Tobias; Wurzbacher, Christian; Anslan, Sten; Belford, Pauline; Corcoll, Natalia; Dombrowski, Alexandra; Ghobad-Nejhad, Masoomeh; Gustavsson, Mikael; Gomez-Martinez, Daniela; Khan, Faheema Kalsoom; Khomich, Maryia; Lennartsdotter, Charlotte; Lund, David; Van Der Merwe, Breyten; Mikryukov, Vladimir; Peterson, Marko; Porter, Teresita M.; Polme, Sergei; Retter, Alice;
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Journal impact factors were devised to qualify and compare university library holdings but are frequently repurposed for use in ranking applications, research papers, and even individual applicants in mycology and beyond. The widely held assumption that mycological studies published in journals with high impact factors add more to systematic mycology than studies published in journals without high impact factors nevertheless lacks evidential underpinning. The present study uses the species hypothesis system of the UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi and other eukaryotes to trace the publication history and impact factor of sequences uncovering new fungal species


Bibliometrics; impact factor; mycology; systematics; taxonomy

Publicerad i

2024, nummer: 110, sidor: 273-285

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne


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