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Konferensartikel2008Vetenskapligt granskad

The Polar Distance Transform by Fast-Marching

Strand, Robin; Norell, Kristin


Image analysis tools that process the image using polar coordinates are needed to avoid the interpolation from polar to cartesian coordinates. We present a tool for analysing and processing circular objects – the polar distance transform computed by fast-marching. The fast marching method can be used for computing the grey-weighted distance transform by numerically approximating the Eikonal differential equation. We modify the Eikonal equation using weights that depend on the radius and angle relative to a pre-defined coordinate system

Publicerad i

Proceedings - International Conference On Pattern Recognition
Utgivare: IEEE computer society


19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition

SLU författare

  • Norell, Kristin

    • Centre for Image Analysis, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Publikationens identifierare

  • ISBN: 978-1-4244-2175-6

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