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Forskningsartikel2010Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

The clock gene PER2 and sleep problems: association with alcohol consumption among Swedish adolescents

Comasco, E; Nordquist, N; Göktürk, C; Aslund, C; Hallman, J; Oreland, L; Nilsson, KW


BACKGROUND Alcohol abuse is associated with sleep problems, which are often linked to circadian rhythm disturbances. Previous studies have separately examined the effects of mutations in the clock gene PER2 on alcohol consumption and sleep problems. Here we hypothesized that an allelic variation in the PER2 gene is associated with alcohol consumption in interaction with sleep problems among adolescents. METHODS The Survey of Adolescent Life and Health in Västmanland 2006, a Swedish county, including 1254 students 17-18 years old, was used as a population-representative sample of adolescents. We investigated the PER2 Single Nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 10870 (A/G) in the cohort together with an assessment of alcohol consumption according to the AUDIT-C questionnaire, and sleep problems using a survey consisting of 18 items. Furthermore, we carried out an exploratory analysis on the PER2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism 10870 polymorphism in a group of severely alcoholic females. RESULTS We found a significant association of the SNP 10870 in adolescent boys, where the genotype AA, in the presence of several and frequent sleep problems, was associated with increased alcohol consumption. Among adolescent girls, only sleep problems were related to alcohol consumption. A non-significant trend was observed among the severely alcoholic females, with the G allele being over-represented in the severely alcoholic females group in comparision to the control females. CONCLUSION These results indicate that PER2 gene variation is associated with alcohol consumption in interaction with sleep problems among Swedish adolescent boys.

Publicerad i

Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences
2010, volym: 115, nummer: 1, sidor: 41-48

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UKÄ forskningsämne

Beroendelära och missbruk
Medicinsk genetik och genomik

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