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Forskningsartikel2006Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Cod Gadus morhua L. populations as behavioural units: inference from time series on juvenile abundance in the eastern Skagerrak

Svedäng, Henrik; Svenson, A


Abundance and distribution of cod Gadus morhua in various size intervals and age groups between 2000 and 2005 were followed in coastal trawl surveys. In spite of a reduction in fishing pressure in recent years and high cod recruitment in the Skagerrak region in 2001 and 2003, no recovery could be evidenced. The survey data clearly showed that low cod density areas were not recolonized, even though abundance of juvenile cod remained high for about a year after the recruitment episodes. Increased abundance of fish > 400 nm total length was only discernible at some scattered locations where other studies also have suggested local populations still to be present. The intermittent high recruitment has been linked to an inflow of egg and larvae from the North Sea. I theory which also has gained support from genetic studies. It was thus argued that the disappearance of the juvenile cod from the inshore is an effect of a migratory behavior; the fish of offshore origin eventually leave the coast for the open Skagerrak or the North Sea. These findings support 2 View oil cod populations as essentially behavioural entities, whereas dispersal of early life stages may be less important as a structuring mechanism. (c) 2006 The Authors Journal compilation (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


abundance; Gadus morhua; population structure; size distribution; Skagerrak

Publicerad i

Journal of Fish Biology
2006, volym: 69, sidor: 151-164

SLU författare

  • Svedäng, Henrik

    • Fiskeriverket

UKÄ forskningsämne


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