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Forskningsartikel2009Vetenskapligt granskad

Environmental Protection and Impact on Adjacent Economies: Evidence from the Swedish Mountain Region

Lundgren, Tommy


The study presented here considers the effects of protected land on neighboring local economies, based on a panel data analysis of its influence on economic growth, net migration, and employment in the forest and tourism sectors in 15 municipalities in northwestern Sweden from 1985 to 2001. The main findings are that increases in the area of protected land in this region seem to have promoted slight increases in per capita income growth and net migration, slight reductions in employment in the forest sector, and possible increases ( not significant at the 5 percent probability level) in employment in the tourism sector. In addition, there are indications of conditional divergence in the Swedish mountain region, implying that small economies grow more slowly here than larger economies.

Publicerad i

Growth and Change
2009, volym: 40, nummer: 3, sidor: 513-532

SLU författare

Globala målen (SDG)

SDG8 Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt
SDG10 Minska ojämlikhet

UKÄ forskningsämne

Miljö- och naturvårdsvetenskap
Ekonomi och näringsliv

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