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Forskningsartikel2014Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Global Forest Governance – Discussing legal scholarship from political science perspectives

Edwards, Peter; Giessen, Lukas


Scholarship in international law aims at addressing global forest governance comprehensively. This article reviews the recent contribution Global Forest Governance - Legal Concepts and Policy Trends by Rowena Maguire and puts it into the perspective of recent political and policy science research on global forests. While finding Maguire's volume being a very timely and valuable contribution to the interdisciplinary discussions on international forest governance, we identify some weaknesses which are mostly rooted in methodological critique and a lack of a systematic framework for analysis.


Global forest governance; International forest law; Interdisciplinarity; Methodological critique

Publicerad i

Forest Policy and Economics
2014, volym: 38, sidor: 30-31

SLU författare

  • Edwards, Peter

    • Institutionen för skogens produkter, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

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