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Forskningsartikel2016Vetenskapligt granskad

Trophic cascades in the bryosphere: the impact of global change factors on top-down control of cyanobacterial N-2-fixation

Kardol, Paul; Spitzer, Clydecia; Gundale, Michael; Nilsson Hegethorn, Marie-Charlotte; Wardle, David


Trophic cascades in which predators regulate densities of organisms at lower trophic levels are important drivers of population dynamics, but effects of trophic cascades on ecosystem-level fluxes and processes, and the conditions under which top-down control is important, remain unresolved. We manipulated the structure of a food web in boreal feather mosses and found that moss-inhabiting microfauna exerted top-down control of N-2-fixation by moss-associated cyanobacteria. However, the presence of higher trophic levels alleviated this top-down control, likely through feeding on bacterivorous microfauna. These effects of food-web structure on cyanobacterial N-2-fixation were dependent on global change factors and strongly suppressed under N fertilisation. Our findings illustrate how food web interactions and trophic cascades can regulate N cycling in boreal ecosystems, where carbon uptake is generally strongly N-limited, and shifting trophic control of N cycling under global change is therefore likely to impact ecosystem functioning.


Boreal forest; bottom-up control; feather moss; food webs; nitrogen cycling; nitrogen deposition; Pleurozium schreberi; precipitation; top-down control; trophic interactions

Publicerad i

Ecology Letters
2016, volym: 19, nummer: 8, sidor: 967-976

SLU författare

Globala målen (SDG)

SDG15 Ekosystem och biologisk mångfald

UKÄ forskningsämne


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