Timmusk, Salme
- Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Översiktsartikel2017Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång
Timmusk, Salme; Behers, Lawrence; Muthoni, Julia; Muraya, Anthony; Aronsson, Anne-Charlotte
Global population increases and climate change pose a challenge to worldwide crop production. There is a need to intensify agricultural production in a sustainable manner and to find solutions to combat abiotic stress, pathogens and pests. Plants are associated with complex microbiomes, which have an ability to promote plant growth and stress tolerance, support plant nutrition and antagonize plant pathogens. The integration of beneficial plant-microbe and microbiome interactions may represent a promising sustainable solution to improve agricultural production. The widespread commercial use of the plant beneficial microorganisms will require a number of issues addressed. Systems approach using microscale information technology for microbiome metabolic reconstruction has potential to advance the microbial reproducible application under natural conditions.
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR); biofertilizers; biopecticides; commercial application; systems biology
Frontiers in Plant Science
2017, volym: 8, artikelnummer: 49
SLU Nätverk växtskydd
SDG2 Ingen hunger
SDG12 Hållbar konsumtion och produktion
SDG13 Bekämpa klimatförändringarna
Bioinformatik och beräkningsbiologi (Metodutveckling under 10203)