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Övrig publikation2016Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

SDGs: Bridging of science and innovations with local conditions

Timmusk, Salme


Agriculture faces several unexpected challenges at global level but in low income countries these challenges are particularly acute as the agriculture represents the dominant part of their economy. Food and water shortages can lead to further unrest and wars. There is significant international consensus around the set of normative goals (SDGs) for food and water security in the changing climate. Yet the visions materialization calls for bridging to local practices and conditions (1-3). Development Research Conference ‘Global Visions and Local Practices Development Research in a Post-2015 World was held in Stockholm (4). What is the best way to design helping programs? How should the academic institutions interact? What is the role of knowledge production in the new policy context? In order to reduce vulnerability of the countries to climate change agricultural technologies should be environmentally friendly (i), ensure high productivity (ii) and be suitable for small-holder farmers adaptation (iii). These goals can only be achieved via development of innovative interdisciplinary technologies.


Climate change; Sustainable Development Goals; Food and water security; Scientific innovations; Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria

Publicerad i

Irrigation & drainage systems engineering
2016, volym: 5, sidor: 1-2
Utgivare: OMICS International

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UKÄ forskningsämne

Miljö- och naturvårdsvetenskap
Annan naturvetenskap

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