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Theoretical and measured effects of hydrological restoration on river biota in relation to hydropower production

Sandin, Leonard; Carlson, Peter; Segersten, Joel; Degerman, Erik


Hydropower accounts for about 43% (64 TWh) of the total Swedish electricity production of 150 TWh in a normal year. At the same time, the hydropower development has resulted in impoverishment of riverine biodiversity and biotopes both locally and regionally. Flow regulation causes fast changes in the amount of water in rivers and streams which in turn affects both animals and plants in and near the watercourses, as well as changes substratum composition (erosion and deposition). Hydropower thus affects ecosystem function and services related to tourism, fisheries, water purification etc. In this study we have identified some 200 hydropower stations in Sweden where we also have biological sampling data (fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, diatoms, large mussels) and information on gradients in hydrological stress levels. Thus, we assess how hydrological restoration of water courses can be performed and verify the importance of minimum and seasonal differences in flow. We will discuss the theoretical and practical implications of hydrological stress and restoration for different riverine biota.

Publicerad i

Titel: Best practice in restoration : the 10th european conference on ecological restoration abstract volume : August 22-26, 2016, Freising, Germany
Utgivare: Technische Universität München


Ecological Restoration on Best Practices in Restoration

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne


Publikationens identifierare

  • eISBN: 978-3-00-053734-9

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