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Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 49th Plenary Meeting Report (PLEN-15-02)

Graham, Norman; Abella, J. Alvaro; Andersen, Jesper Levring; Bailey, Nicholas; Bertignac, Michel; Cardinale, Massimiliano; Curtis, Hazel; Delaney, Alyne; Daskalov, G.; Döring, Ralf; Gascuel, Didier; Garcia Rodriguez, Mariano; Gustavsson, Tore Karl-Erik; Jennings, Simon; Kenny, Andrew; Kraak, Sarah; Kuikka, Sakkari; Martin, Paloma; Malvarosa, Loretta; Murua, Hilario;
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The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries hold its 49th plenary on 6-10 Julyin Varese (Italy). The terms of reference included both issues assessments of STECF Expert Working Group reports and additional requests submitted to the STECF by the Commission. Topics dealt with were inter aliathe AER 2015, the landing obligations, and multi-annual management plans.

Publicerad i

EUR (Luxembourg)
2015, nummer: 27404
Utgivare: Publications Office of the European Union

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne

Fisk- och akvakulturforskning

Publikationens identifierare

  • ISBN: 978-92-79-50548-5

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