Sällvik, Krister
- Institutionen för jordbrukets biosystem och teknologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Forskningsartikel2005Vetenskapligt granskad
Oostra HH, Stefanowska J, Sallvik K
In this trial, the effects of the forage feeding frequency on the waiting time prior to milking and the cowshed facility utilization by cows milked in an automatic milking unit (AMU) were studied. The feeding frequency was increased from two times per day to six times per day. It was found that the average waiting time per visit for cows using the AMU was reduced from 755 s to 351 s when the feeding frequency was increased. The daily number of visits ( milking visit, failed milking visit and not qualified visit) to the AMU was not affected by the change in feeding frequency. It was also found that increasing the feeding frequency had a positive effect on utilization of the cowshed facilities, such as the occupation of the feeding fence, and on the cowshed facilities in the waiting area (cubicles) of the AMU
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science
2005, volym: 55, nummer: 4, sidor: 158-165