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Forskningsartikel2017Vetenskapligt granskad

An efficient detection method for the red-listed beetle Acanthocinus griseus based on attractant-baited traps

Cocos, Dragos; Etxebeste, Inaki; Schroeder, Martin


1. Many insect species that depend on dead wood (saproxylic) are difficult to detect because of their concealed life-style, small size and camouflage. This limits available information and thus poses problems when assessing their conservation status. Thus, more efficient detection methods are required for more accurate red-list classifications.2. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient method for detecting the red-listed saproxylic beetle Acanthocinus griseus, through experiments with multifunnel traps baited with different potential attractants and placed in various types of forest stands in Sweden.3. Acanthocinus griseus was strongly attracted to the bark beetle pheromones ipsdienol and ipsenol. Catches were almost four times higher in fresh clear-cuts than in pine stands, and about two times higher than in old clear-cuts. Catches in old clear-cuts increased when the monoterpene a-pinene was added to bark beetle pheromones. The flight period of A. griseus extended from June to August.4. Acanthocinus griseus has been previously considered a rare species. However, this study with attractant-baited traps doubled the total number of records of the species on the Swedish mainland in just two seasons and tripled the number of observed or caught adults, demonstrating that it should not be considered rare in the studied region.


Acanthocinus griseus; area of distribution; attraction; detection; ipsdienol; ipsenol; kairomones; red-listed beetle; saproxylic beetles; alpha-pinene

Publicerad i

Insect Conservation and Diversity
2017, volym: 10, nummer: 4, sidor: 294-301

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne


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