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Forskningsartikel2019Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Service logics and strategies of Swedish forestry in the structural shifts of forest ownership: challenging the "old" and shaping the "new"

Andersson, Elias; Keskitalo, E. Carina H.


Sweden is one of the most forested countries in Europe, and it has one of the highest shares of productive forest. Production in forestry is largely reliant on the private non-industrial forest owners, who own half of the forest land. As in many countries, however, forest ownership is changing towards a higher extent of urban, female or non-forestry-background owners. This poses a challenge for the forestry services sector, mainly forest owners' associations and companies, but also broadly the sector at large. By exploring the sales and marketing processes, this paper analyses the service logics and strategies of Swedish forestry under changing forest ownership, drawing on an interview study covering all the large actors in the Swedish forestry sector. The study illustrates an increased focus of forestry organizations on services from a strategic and managerial perspective, in customer-oriented relationship development and in value creation and sales processes, specifically in order to manage "new" forest owners and the demand of forest industries. The results highlight the domination of service logics associated with timber production and the challenges for the service market and the provision of diversified services to forest owners.


Sales; demand; relationship; marketing; management; resistance; consumption

Publicerad i

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
2019, Volym: 34, nummer: 6, sidor: 508-520

      SLU författare

      Globala målen

      SDG5 Jämställdhet

      UKÄ forskningsämne


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