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SLU:s publikationsdatabas (SLUpub)


Double trouble, co-inoculation of potato with both the early and late blight pathogens

Brouwer, S. M.; Million, C.; Andriani, A.; Wolters, P. J.; Andreasson, E.; Vleeshouwers, V. G. A. A.; Grenville-Briggs, L. J.

Publicerad i

Molecular plant-microbe interactions
2019, Volym: 32, nummer: 10S, sidor: 27-28
Utgivare: The American Phytopathological Society (APS)


18th Congress of International-Society-for-Molecular-Plant-Microbe-Interactions (IS-MPMI), JUL 14-18, 2019, Glasgow, SCOTLAND