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Översiktsartikel2020Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Peste des petits ruminants in large ruminants, camels and unusual hosts

Aziz-Ul-Rahman; Dhama, Kuldeep; Ali, Qasim; Hussain, Irshad; Oneeb, Muhammad; Chaudhary, Umar; Wensman, Jonas Johansson; Shabbir, Muhammad Zubair


Since its first report in 1942, peste-des-petits-ruminants virus (PPRV) has caused several epidemics in a wide range of susceptible hosts around the world. In the last 30 years, the evidence of natural and experimental infections and virus isolation were reported from novel but unusual hosts such as camel, cattle, buffalo, dogs, Asiatic lion and pigs. In addition, PPRV in a potential vector, biting midges (Culicoides imicola), has been reported. Either presented as clinical and/or subclinical infections, the presence of the virus in an extended range of susceptible hosts highlights the cross-species transmission and supports the hypothesis of an endemic circulation of PPRV among susceptible hosts. However, the potential role of large ruminants, camels and unusual hosts for PPRV epidemiology is still obscure. Therefore, there is a need for molecular and epidemiological investigations of the disease among usual and unusual hosts to achieve the goals of disease control and eradication programmes initiated by national and international organisations, such as the FAO and OIE. This review is the first to summarise the scattered data on PPR in large ruminants, camels and unusual hosts to obtain the global scientific communities' attention for further research on epidemiological aspects, not only in its native hosts, but also in large ruminants, camels and other unusual hosts.


Peste des petits ruminants; large ruminants; camels; unusual hosts; cross-species transmission; Culicoides imicola; disease eradication

Publicerad i

Veterinary Quarterly
2020, Volym: 40, nummer: 1, sidor: 35-42 Utgivare: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

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