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Forskningsartikel2017Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Pilot-scale Columns Equipped with Aqueous and Solid-phase Sampling Ports Enable Geochemical and Molecular Microbial Investigations of Anoxic Biological Processes

Drennan, Dina M.; Almstrand, Robert; Lee, Ilsu; Landkamer, Lee; Figueroa, Linda; Sharp, Jonathan O.


Column studies can be employed to query systems that mimic environmentally relevant flow-through processes in natural and built environments. Sampling these systems spatially throughout operation, while maintaining the integrity of aqueous and solid-phase samples for geochemical and microbial analyses, can be challenging particularly when redox conditions within the column differ from ambient conditions. Here we present a pilot-scale column design and sampling protocol that is optimized for long-term spatial and temporal sampling. We utilized this experimental set-up over approximately 2 years to study a biologically active system designed to precipitate zinc-sulfides during sulfate reducing conditions; however, it can be adapted for the study of many flow-through systems where geochemical and/or molecular microbial analyses are desired. Importantly, these columns utilize retrievable solidphase bags in conjunction with anoxic microbial techniques to harvest substrate samples while minimally disrupting column operation.


Environmental engineering; Geochemistry; Microbiology; Pilot-scale; Anaerobic respiration; Redox; Bioremediation; Bioreactor

Publicerad i

2017, Volym: 7, nummer: 1, artikelnummer: e2083

    UKÄ forskningsämne


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