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Översiktsartikel2019Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Iodinated disinfection byproducts: Formation and concerns

Postigo, Cristina; Zonja, Bozo


The list of iodinated disinfection byproducts (iodo-DBPs) includes some of the most genotoxic and cytotoxic DBPs discovered to date. Therefore, human exposure should be minimized by reducing their presence in drinking water. In this manuscript we review the main iodo-DBP formation pathways during water disinfection, with focus on the advances reported in the last two years. We discuss the effect of iodine sources other than iodine salts, e.g., iodinated contrast media or iodate, on iodo-DBP formation. In addition, we review the anthropogenic activities (like oil and gas extraction, dairy industry, seawater desalination or advanced oxidation treatments with persulfate) that may release iodo-DBPs to the aquatic environment or increase the potential of source waters to generate these compounds when disinfected.

Publicerad i

Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health
2019, Volym: 7, sidor: 19-25

    Globala målen

    SDG6 Rent vatten och sanitet för alla

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