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Forskningsartikel2020Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Effect of season on the in vitro fertilizing ability of frozen–thawed Spanish bovine spermatozoa

Sabés-Alsina, Maria; Wallgren, Margareta; Sjunnesson, Ylva; Lundeheim, Nils; Lopez-Bejar, M.; Morrell, Jane


The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of season on the in vitro fertilizing ability of bovine spermatozoa and subsequent embryo development. Bovine oocytes were matured and fertilized in vitro with Holstein dairy bull sperm cells collected and frozen in different seasons (winter, spring, and summer). On d 2 and 8 postinsemination, cleavage and blastocyst rates, respectively, were recorded; the blastocysts were graded for morphology. The number of sperm cells binding to the zona pellucida of oocytes, together with the number of nuclei in the developing blastocysts, were assessed after staining with Hoechst. No significant differences were observed among seasons in cleavage and embryo development rate. However, the proportion of "advanced blastocysts" was significantly higher in spring compared with winter and summer, with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of early blastocysts in spring compared with winter and summer. The number of sperm cells binding per oocyte was significantly lower in the oocytes inseminated with sperm samples collected in summer compared with winter or spring. Moreover, a significant interaction was observed in the number of sperm cells binding per oocyte between bull and season. Although no significant differences were observed among seasons in the number of nuclei per blastocyst, a significant interaction was observed between bull and season for this variable. Embryo development rate in in vitro fertilization appeared to be affected by season of semen collection, with sperm samples collected in spring being associated with a higher proportion of advanced blastocysts and better morphology than those collected at other times of the year.


season; in vitro fertilization; bovine; heat stress; sperm cell

Publicerad i

Journal of Dairy Science
2020, volym: 103, nummer: 10, sidor: 9525-9533

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