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Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities, D3.11 – Action research methodology applied to URBAN-WASTE case

Perello, Michelle; López-Murcia, Javier; Buckingham, Susan; Obersteiner, Gudrun; Gollnow, Sebastian; Eriksson, Mattias; Gonzalez Martin, Gerardo; Bjørn Olsen, Trine


URBAN-WASTE aims at developing eco-innovative and gender sensitive waste prevention and management strategies in order to reduce waste generation and increase recycling levels in 11 cities and regions facing high tourism pressures and explore the potential replicability into other EU cities. In particular, it aims at applying and integrating an urban metabolic approach for waste urban policies, fostering and structure a stakeholder participatory framework for policy making in waste management, and addressing gender in waste prevention and management. In doing so, a participatory action research has been implemented throughout the duration of the project, URBAN-WASTE – 690452 – D3.6 D3.11 – Scientific article on action research methodology applied to URBAN-WASTE case 3 where diverse actors have contributed towards the accomplishment of the project’s goals, including universities and research institutions, municipalities and other local authorities, NGOs and consulting companies, among others. However, and most importantly, the success of the project is granted through the active involvement of local stakeholders that took a crucial role in co-developing, co-implementing and comonitoring the strategies for waste prevention and management. An inclusive approach was key to guarantee representativeness of all relevant actors from both the tourism and waste management value chains. These stakeholders were identified and mobilized from beginning to end through their participation in the local Communities of Practice and their involvement, together with the local municipalities, allowed for the adoption of a series of best practices that proved to have a positive effect in reducing GHG emissions. The participatory approach applied in the project has represented an improvement in policy making and policy formulation, where a multi-actor knowledge brokerage has taken place. Therefore, despite the constraints encountered along the way, we consider the methodology adopted a replicable model not only in policy making affecting urban waste management but in other fields as well.

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Utgivare: Urban Strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities