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Doktorsavhandling2002Öppen tillgång

Ecological and landscape considerations in forest management

Jasinski, Kristoffer


A major challenge for the forestry sector is to adapt forest management to better sustain and promote biological diversity. In this thesis some aspects of such considerations on different spatial and temporal scales are studied and discussed. The dynamics of a natural forest landscape in Russia were studied by analysing peat cores. The forest landscape could roughly be divided into two types: one affected by fire at a regular basis and one type that can be regarded as a fire-free refuge. There was evidence for a site-related mosaic of forest dynamics in the landscape that had probably persisted in many thousands of years. The presence of such strongly contrasting disturbance regimes in the same landscape affects the distribution of plants, fungi and lichens.
Another study showed that estimating the relative occurrence of charcoal bands in peat probes is a simple and practical method to assess past fire history in a landscape where surface signs are scarce or missing. Furthermore, vegetation groups with different relative fire intervals were distinguished.
In a third study a different perspective was applied by studying how a management plan for a forestry estate needed to be adapted when using the capercaillie Tetrao urogallus as a target species. Around known leks (display areas) the management was adapted to suit the bird’s needs. The result was that set-asides had to be increased with more than 100 ha., and the total cost for this management was estimated to 5% of the net present value.
​​​​​​​In the fourth study the usefulness of different regional classification systems as aids in planning for nature management in a landscape perspective were compared. The classifications showed a degree of similarity between the divisions of vegetation types a specific landscape. However the regional classifications referred to all have some shortcomings. Firstly an attempt is made to impose discrete boundaries on continuums of the earth’s surface. Secondly, theie is a need to complement the descriptions of the regions with details about dynamics.
Different perspectives and approaches can be taken in ecological considerations. Depending on the conditions of a specific area, some are better suited than others. However, the complexity of the problem is so great that a precise scientific system for such considerations is unlikely to be constructed. Instead, regional and local experience, coupled with sound scientific knowledge, seems to be the best foundation for good ecosystem management.


landscape mosaic; fire; capercaillie; regional classification; management aids

Publicerad i

Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Silvestria
2002, nummer: 238ISBN: 91-576-6317-3
Utgivare: Department of Forest Management and Products, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

      SLU författare

    • Jasinski, Kristoffer

      • Institutionen för skogshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

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