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Forskningsartikel2020Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Livestock Development in Hanoi City, Vietnam-Challenges and Policies

Pham-Thanh, Long; Magnusson, Ulf; Can-Xuan, Minh; Nguyen-Viet, Hung; Lundkvist, Ake; Lindahl, Johanna


The rapid urban growth of Hanoi city requires a livestock production system that ensures both food security and the livelihoods of dwellers. This paper reviews the existing policies for livestock production of Hanoi city and the changes in livestock population between 2014 and 2018 and identifies major challenges for livestock development of the city. While a remarkable increase of the livestock population in recent years is evident, the dominance of small-scale farms, the presence of animal diseases, the slow progress of transiting farms out of urban areas, as well as the lack of analysis of climate change and gender impacts are major challenges that could affect the livestock development of Hanoi.


urban livestock development; challenges; Hanoi; Vietnam; urban livestock keeping; urban and peri-urban agriculture; food security

Publicerad i

Frontiers in Veterinary Science
2020, Volym: 7, artikelnummer: 566