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Konferensabstrakt2020Vetenskapligt granskad

Citizens' knowledge of and perceptions of multi-storey wood buildings in seven European countries

Heltorp, K.M.; Hoen, Hans Fredrik; Nyrud, A.Q.; Roos, Anders; Aguilar, Francisco X; Lähtinen, Katja; Viholainen, Noora; Berghäll, Sami; Toppinen, Anne; Thorsen, B.J.; Kniivilä , Matleena; Haapala, A.; Hurmekoski, E.; Hujala, Teppo


Timber construction; consumer preferences; multi-storey wood buildings; consumer survey

Publicerad i

Scandinavian Forest Economics
2020, nummer: 49, sidor: 45-45 Titel: Proceedings of the IUFRO WG 5.10.00 & Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics (SSFE) Online Conference, 28–30 September 2020

Utgivare: Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics


IUFRO WG 5.10.00 & Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics (SSFE) Online Conference, 200928–200930