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Forskningsartikel2021Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

A harmonized and spatially explicit dataset from 16 million payments from the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy for 2015

Nicholas, Kimberly A.; Villemoes, Frida; Lehsten, Edmund Aristid; Brady, Mark, V; Scown, Murray W.


The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the largest budget item in the European Union, but varied data reporting hampers holistic analysis. Here we have assembled the first dataset to our knowledge to report individual CAP payments by standardized CAP funding measures and geolocation. We created this dataset by translating, geolocating to the county or province (NUTS3) level, and consistently harmonizing payment measures for over 16 million payments from 2015, originally reported by EU member states and compiled by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany. This dataset and code allow in-depth analysis of over V60 billion in public spending by purpose and location for the first time, which enables both individual payment tracing and analysis by aggregation. These data are representative of the distribution of annual CAP payments from 2014 to 2020 and are of interest to researchers, policy makers, non-governmental organizations, and journalists for evaluating the distribution and impacts of CAP spending.

Publicerad i

2021, Volym: 2, nummer: 4, artikelnummer: 100236
Utgivare: ELSEVIER

    Globala målen

    SDG10 Minska ojämlikhet

    UKÄ forskningsämne

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