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Översiktsartikel2021Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Global change calls for novel plant protection: reviewing the potential of omnivorous plant-inhabiting arthropods as predators and plant defence inducers

Zhang, Nina Xiaoning; Stephan, Jorg G.; Bjorkman, Christer; Puentes, Adriana


Global change poses new challenges for pest management. Omnivorous predatory arthropods play an important role in pest management, yet their potential has not been fully explored. Not only do they consume prey, but their plant-feeding induces plant defences that decrease herbivores' performance, and increases production of volatiles that attract natural enemies. Growing evidence from different plant-arthropod systems indicates the generality of plant defence induction following omnivore plant-feeding. Furthermore, these responses appear to affect other organisms (e.g. plant viruses), altering multi-trophic interactions. Here, we review the dual role of omnivores (as predators and plant inducers), identify knowledge gaps and provide future perspectives to increase our understanding of omnivores' multiple functions, and how this can be applied to advance plant protection strategies.

Publicerad i

Current Opinion in Insect Science
2021, volym: 47, sidor: 103-110
Utgivare: ELSEVIER

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SLU Nätverk växtskydd

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