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Översiktsartikel2022Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Substances of emerging concern in Baltic Sea water: Review on methodological advances for the environmental assessment and proposal for future monitoring

Kanwischer, Marion; Asker, Noomi; Wernersson, Ann-Sofie; Wirth, Marisa A.; Fisch, Kathrin; Dahlgren, Elin; Osterholz, Helena; Habedank, Friederike; Naumann, Michael; Mannio, Jaakko; Schulz-Bull, Detlef E.


The Baltic Sea is among the most polluted seas worldwide. Anthropogenic contaminants are mainly introduced via riverine discharge and atmospheric deposition. Regional and international measures have successfully been employed to reduce concentrations of several legacy contaminants. However, current Baltic Sea monitoring programs do not address compounds of emerging concern. Hence, potentially harmful pharmaceuticals, UV filters, polar pesticides, estrogenic compounds, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or naturally produced algal toxins are not taken into account during the assessment of the state of the Baltic Sea. Herein, we conducted literature searches based on systematic approaches and compiled reported data on these substances in Baltic Sea surface water and on methodological advances for sample processing and chemical as well as effect-based analysis of these analytically challenging marine pollutants. Finally, we provide recommendations for improvement of future contaminant and risk assessment in the Baltic Sea, which revolve around a combination of both chemical and effect-based analyses.


Baltic Sea; Bioassay; Biomarker; Effect-based methods; Instrumental analysis; Substances of emerging concern

Publicerad i

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment
2022, Volym: 51, nummer: 6, sidor: 1588-1608
Utgivare: SPRINGER

    Associerade SLU-program


    Globala målen

    SDG14 Hav och marina resurser

    UKÄ forskningsämne

    Oceanografi, hydrologi, vattenresurser

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