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Forskningsartikel2022Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Do animal health models meet the needs of organic and conventional dairy farmers in Spain and the UK on disease prevention?

Blanco-Penedo, Isabel; Wonfor, Ruth; Kipling, Richard P.


Modelling plays an important role in assessing disease risks and the efficacy of preventative actions. However, the extent to which existing models meet the needs of different groups of dairy farmers around disease prevention is unclear. A questionnaire gathered information on disease prevention actions undertaken by organic and conventional dairy farmers in Spain and the UK, and on their information preferences and needs in relation to such actions. A systematic review of animal health modelling articles was undertaken to compare the expressed needs of dairy farmers for information on disease prevention, with the focus and outputs of existing models. Farmer groups differed in needs when planning disease prevention interventions. Most farmers sourced animal health information from veterinarians. Farmers preferred to use practical experience to judge the efficacy of change. To fulfil the expressed needs of dairy farmers, models need to address specific farming contexts and non-economic impacts of change.


Dairy farms; Decision support tools; Livestock disease prevention; Farm management; Organic farming; Stakeholder engagement

Publicerad i

Veterinary and Animal Science
2022, Volym: 15, artikelnummer: 100226

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    UKÄ forskningsämne


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